Juno focuses on a sarcastic 16 year old girl, named Juno MacGuff, and the decision she makes about her pregnancy. Diablo Cody, in her writing debut, has woven an extremely entertaining story with some memorable characters. Ellen Page breathes life into her character Juno, with fantastic timing and delivery of her lines. This film is at it’s core an indy film, from the hand drawn feel of the title screens to the unique vocals of Kimya Dawson.

Where this film truly shines is the dialogue. The dialogue is not realistic, but it is perfect. The main characters says all the sarcastic things you’d love to say, and some times crosses the line of things you’d never say, and the results are hilarious. Another aspect of the dialogue that I loved, wether it was intended or not, is the use of incorrect information that is represented as fact in a sarcastic way. If you pay attention you might catch it. Through all this, the film still maintains a heart. The words may say one thing, but it’s the actions of the characters that really counts.

Director, Jason Reitman, presented a fantastic film. The cinemtagraphy of this film is beautiful in it’s sense of balance, between color and composition. A high quality film that still holds the feel of an indy film is not an easy thing to accomplish, yet Jason Reitman shows us that it is not only possible but enjoyable.

I loved this movie, and highly recommend everyone see this film. Juno is entertaining while covering a wide span of emotions. The dialogue is witty, sarcastic, and hillarious. There is something for everyone, which for me puts Juno in the running for this years best film.