Everyone’s Hero seems to be the one feature length 3D animated movie that came and went without much hype. The story revolves around a 10 year old boy named Yankee Irving. He is witness to the theft of Babe Ruth’s bat, Darlin’. He’s father ends up loosing his job over the event. With the help of his new friend, a talking baseball named Screwie, Yankee sets out to retrieve the bat and deliver it back to Babe Ruth in hopes of clearing his father’s name.
This movie is a rather straight forward movie that is intended for children. With that in mind this is a good movie. It doesn’t however stand as an entertaining dual target audience movie that we have come to except from 3D animated movies, such as Shrek. The art direction has a very classic feel to hit and I can recommend this to anyone with a younger audience to entertain. While it hasn’t an extremely entertaining viewing it wasn’t a bad use of an hour and a half.