Shows You’re Not Watching, But Should Be

Shows You’re Not Watching, But Should Be

Now we admit, some of here at 8 Bit Soul watch a lot of tv. From sports, to news, to comedies to dramas. We tend to watch it all, well most of it. There are plenty of shows we stay away from. Those god awful singing competitions, dance competitions, a lot of network...


Everyone seems to be jumping on the comic book bandwagon lately. Movie studios, tv networks, video game creators, you name it and they’ll think of a way to bring it to the masses. So when NBC saw how well the CW was doing with Arrow, it wanted to get in on the...


In its heyday, Battlestar Galactica was garnishing rave reviews. It was one of the best shows on television, from the writing to the cast fans were treated to spectacular episodes. So why not take the chance to give the fans something new, but still relevant to the...

Beware the Batman

Batman has been DC’s mainstay when it comes to television, movies and animated series. From the 1960’s series, to appearances in Scooby Doo and the Justice League cartoon in the 1980’s. Batman has always found a place on television. Perhaps his most...

TV Spotlight: Caprica

In its heyday, Battlestar Galactica was garnishing rave reviews. It was one of the best shows on television, from the writing to the cast fans were treated to spectacular episodes. So why not take the chance to give the fans something new, but still relevant to the...

Hemlock Grove

Netflix proved that a quality television show doesn’t need to be aired on a network in order for viewers, and critics alike, to adore it. Earlier this year, at a Media & Telecom Conference in San Francisco, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said that he wanted...