Lollilove, from the mind of Jenna Fischer, is a mockumentary about a wealthy couple near LA that wants to set up a charity for the homeless, except this isn’t your average charity. The charity’s objective is to give out lollipops adorned with special drawings and slogans to homeless people in order to help motivate their lives and get them off the street. The mockumentary follows the couple from inception to implementation, showing Jenna trying to get corporate sponsorships to asking friends for money to fund their charity. It’s clear throughout the movie that Jenna is the “brains” and organization behind the charity. James, her husband and real life husband, goes throughout the movie looking for sympathy from Jenna and shirking his duties.

It’s clear that the movie is a low budget film, but it adds to its mystique. What’s even more clear is the effort put behind the movie from scribe and director Fischer and her husband James Gunn. Gunn is known for writing the Scooby Doo movies and writing and directing the surprise hit Slither. Fischer made this before she became famous as Pam Beesley on The Office. While the mockumentary isn’t the best in the world it’s certainly not the worst way to spend an hour and twenty minutes.